When should you publish posts on Facebook page?


Have you ever feel confused as you do not know when should you publish posts on Facebook page? If browsing the Internet, it is sure that you can find out many post about choosing the time to post. But there are some conflicts between these information. Why? No specific time for all pages, so you have to find out the golden time for your own page. This is what you need. Eggflow provides you from A to Z, from basic method to advanced method, from old to a new method to choose your own golden time to post. Hope that the article will help you to find out!

Using Insight Facebook

Please take advantage of Insight Facebook to understand your customers and be aware of user habits. It answers two questions for you: Who are your audience? and When are your fans online?

– Who is your audience? Be aware of audience age and gender. This is the first statistics you need to identify the potential customer and their behavior.


– When your fans are online: the time your audience surf Facebook News Feed.

Insights 2

Tips: You should post 10 – 15 minutes before the peak time that the number of online users is highest. By this way, the post can appear right on user news feed and fora longer period of time. Please use scheduling post function!

Build up audience personal

  • Who is your audience? Who are they?
  • What are their concerns? What are their need, demand and interest?
  • Let’s think. What do they do in a typical day? How are their habit of surfing news feed, achieving news and purchase?

When you have built audience personal, you understand your customers and it is much more easy to choose the time to post. The core of marketing is customer understanding. The more you understand, the clearer your audience personal is, the more effective your marketing method becomes.

For example, you are a marketing executive at an English center that focuses on university students. So you should know how a day of university student life is? Look back your university life and imagine:

Waking up at 6 am, they open Facebook for a while before preparing to go to school.

7 am to 12 pm: Study at school

12 pm – 2 pm: Have lunch and take a break while being active on Facebook

2 pm – 4 pm: Attend classes

4 pm – 7 pm: Play sports and have dinner

7 pm – 10 pm: Hanging out with friends. They can be active on Facebook to post their photos or learn at home, watch movies, chat via Facebook messenger, etc.

11 pm – 2 am: Some are still active on Facebook or watch movies.

That is just an example of university student timetable. Looking it deeper, you can have a more detailed timetable and find out some period of time they are mostly online.

However, drawing audience personal does not stop here. If  your audience are university students and the product is English courses, you also learn more what kind of English course students need. Which course do they concern? Grammar, pronunciation, or studying for exams? How much do they affort?


The time to post depends on not only audience habits but also purpose and types of news. For example, you want to attract users to your restaurant to have lunch. From 10 to 11 am is the time customers thinks of what they would like to have for lunch. Please deliver your message at this time instead of in the evening. If they see your ads in the evening, it is possible for them to forget your ad in the next day.

Using statistics and available knowledge

If you type ‘Facebook best post time’ and search on Google, many tips, researches, reports, infographics made by agencies, newspapers, and brands. A lot of information are available, but there are some incorrect and unsuitable with your page. The solution is to be selective what you have read.

Test, test, and test

Although you have spent tons of effort to research on customers, it is not enough. You need to test, test and test to know whether the time you chose is suitable or not. The more you test, the more you understand your audience.

How to perform the test? With the posts with the same content and length, post in different times during a day or post at the same point of time in different days in a week.

There is no specific golden time for all Facebook pages and all audiences. It is you that find out the golden time for your own page.

In short, Eggflow has mentioned tips and shared experience in choosing the time to post on pages. Hope that it works for marketers who are finding the best time to post. Although it sounds simple, it is not the case. You can share the method you use for other marketers in the comment box or still find it hard to choose the time. Tell us by commenting below. Eggflow is willing to help you!
